About Us

A Community Developing a Diverse, highly skilled Technology Workforce in Washington State

Tech Workforce Coalition's Logo

The Washington Tech Workforce Coalition is an open collaboration of organizations and individuals developing a diverse, highly skilled technology workforce throughout Washington state.

We are funded by the US Department of Commerce Good Jobs Challenge grant through the Washington Jobs Initiative (WJI), managed by the Washington Student Achievement Council. A Seattle non-profit, Computing for All, manages the Coalition in its role as sector intermediary.

Our Goal

1,000 job candidates in tech roles by 2025

Coalition Strategy

Our mission is to connect underrepresented candidates with in-demand tech jobs. We offer targeted training programs in IT and cybersecurity, along with personalized career coaching and networking opportunities. By bridging the gap between talent and opportunity, we are working to build a more diverse and innovative tech industry.

Depiction of the strategy funnel where Computing For All is placed in-between the Tech Workforce Coalition and the following three entities: Employers, Edu/Training Agents, CBO's
IT & Cybersecurity Sector

Member Roles


Businesses of all types and sizes have technology needs. Hire vetted, qualified candidates in our Talent Finder Portal.

Employer Advisor

Share your recruiting needs with educators and guide technology training curricula updates.


Advance curriculum to keep pace with employer needs and connect your students directly with employers.

Community Partner

Represent your professional, non-profit, or government organization, and broaden access to family wage careers for diverse candidates.

Member Activities & Benefits

Stock photo of a group of people varying in age, race, and gender collaborating around a table, where a woman is standing and talking to an older man

Biannual Convening

All members enjoy networking with Industry, Education, and Community partners to learn best practices for talent acquisition and development in these live, biannual events.

Stock photo of a group of people varying in age, race, and gender collaborating around a table using their paper and electronic notebooks


Members who wish to take on a leadership role are welcome to join one of our committees. Meetings are quarterly and scheduled in advance.

Add Projects
Add Certificate
Stock photo of smiling man
Chris Moore
Software developer intern at CFA
Add Work Experience

Digital Hiring Tools

Employers and industry partners gain access to our Talent Finder Portal.

Coalition Industry Committee

The Industry Committee, led by Computing for All in collaboration with the Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA), facilitates strategies for creating a robust talent pipeline and methods for employers to better recruit and assimilate new talent into their organization. The committee supports employers by clarifying and understanding their needs, identifying challenges and barriers to participation, and addressing these challenges through development of new or existing programs. As a committee member, you’ll attend quarterly meetings and any additional focused efforts per your interest.

Stock photo of two women and a man collaborating around a table using their paper and electronic notebooks
Stock photo of two women and a man around a table where the man and one of the women are collaborating using their paper notebooks

Coalition Education Committee

The Education Committee is led by Computing for All with a focus on modernizing curriculum and career readiness strategies that address the evolving needs of industry. Sharing models and best practices from employers, this committee addresses program challenges and provides support to faculty. As a committee member, you’ll attend quarterly meetings and, according to your interests, participate in focused initiatives.

Structure & Governance

Steering Committee

Comprised of Co-Leadership partners & members. Provides prioritization and sets policy. Sets membership criteria and approval. Managed by Computing for All.

Member Committees

Function-based committees that set the agenda for specific interests among membership groups such as employers and educators.

At-large Members

Organizations and individuals active in networking and utilizing the Coalition's resources.

Co-Leadership Partners

Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA) Logo

Washington Tech Workforce Coalition Funding & Management

Career Connect Washington Logo

Initial funding for the Coalition is from the US Department of Commerce Good Jobs Challenge grant through the Washington Jobs Initiative managed by Washington Student Achievement Council.

Computing For All Logo

Computing for All, a 501(c)(3) technology education nonprofit organization based in Seattle, Washington, has trained diverse, low-income high school and college students for more than five years. In its role as the Washington State IT and Cybersecurity Sector Intermediary and backbone operator for the WJI grant, it manages the Tech Workforce Coalition.

Tech Workforce CoalitionTech Workforce Coalition

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